
Showing posts from March, 2017

Evaluation 4:How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?


Evaluation 3: What have you learned from your audience feedback?

In regards to my feedback, I have made a survey for my film and my poster and shared it through social media, as audience feedback is very important in order for me to look back on my work. I have sent my survey onto social media where I am more likely to get viewers who have never seen the film or the progress towards it and viewers within my target audience seeing as most people who use social media for a majority of the time are teenagers and young adults. I have managed to get some results, but this was from a small sample due to the fact that many people may have not had enough time to watch the short film and do the survey, or due to the fact that most people find survey's to be irritating and a waste of time.  Below are the questions and results of the questions I have asked to my audience.I felt that it was important to ask questions that looked at the audience's interpretation of the film and their general opinion, so that I am able to see whether my film satisfied

Evaluation 2: How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

The main focus for my film was the gap under the bed because not only is it the title; it is also where the main antagonist is located and filmed from. It is an out-of-place area within a normal environment such as home, I have used this to make sure that the audience can feel paranoid when looking at the gap because of how something so simple can still be terrifying when looking at it from a different perspective. I've made sure that my ancillary tasks followed that focus in order for my audience to be able to connect them to my film. My film poster definitely follows this, seeing as the main image is of the gap itself. The colours used are quite dull and dark to follow the colour scheme of the film seeing as the film has a dull filter over it.  The gap has been enhanced so that it is the main focus of the page as it is more dark than the surrounding area. It gives the poster a more eerie sense seeing as no one knows what's in the gap.  In terms of composition of the imag